This is a collection of wonderful high-quality patterns created for use with Desktop Textures 2.1. These textures were created by an artist using Photoshop, Kai's Power Tools, Aldus Gallery Effects Volume 1 and a lot of hard work in the retouching area.
These are seamless textures that have been optimized for 8, 16 and 24 bit color monitor settings. These are high quality textures made to be left on the desktop for long periods of time. These aren't annoying eye bleeders that drive you insane, nor are they tiny pictures that have been repeated over and over again!!! These are patterns!!! Use them with pride!
The Patterns:
There are ten patterns to each volume of Super Textures including this one. The titles are as follows:
Fusion II
Fusion VI
Pink Stipple Ballyhoo
Forest Green Liquigel
Digiphobia Eroica
Digiphobia II
Crackle Brand Spackle
Diminishing Light
Kevorkian Dreamscape I
GigerVision Blurred
Warning!!! These are not ppats and probably cannot be used with any other textures program except Desktop Textures. They WILL NOT WORK with versions of Desktop Textures earlier than 2.1!!!!!!! They WILL NOT WORK with ResEdit!!!!
If you wish to use these with some other ppat reading texture program, please read the Desktop Textures online help manual. It describes how you can copy the textures to the clipboard in ppat format. From there you should be able to get them into any other program of your choosing.
These textures are all free but if you are so inclined to upload them elsewhere, please include my name, Ron Pringle, as the creator and include this read me file.
Please take the time to e-mail me feedback at: RonP100386 on America Online or for the rest of the net. I thrive on criticism and praise and will direct future efforts towards meeting your demands and requests. Thanks again.